Well, it’s come to this…

Here we are, or at least I am.. I have no time, too many projects going on at once, a full time job, running a business, playing in a band… I know, I will start a blog. Sigh.

I have always been fascinated by other people’s DIY blogs. Their projects seem to be done in an instant and fully documented with pictures and full descriptions. I am equally fascinated by learning and doing new projects. People say that I have too many hobbies and projects, but I can’t stop learning. I have to be doing something. So, why not share these with other people? Right!

My hope for this blog is to share some of my projects and work with others and hopefully spark some interest in learning. Also, I would love to collaborate on projects, so any makers that find this blog interesting, feel free to hit me up with your ideas.

I will leave you with a short collection of just some of the projects I have worked on in the last six months.

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