So it rains here in Arkansas a bit and I have always wanted an automatic rain gauge and weather station but I am too cheap to buy a decent one. Why not build one myself and learn something along the way? I started out with a simple off the shelf tip bucket rain gauge madeContinue reading “LoRa Rain Gauge and Weather Server”
Author Archives: slecomte
Double, No… Triple Dog Dare Ya!
In the immortal words of Micky O’Neil from the movie Snatch, “Do you like Dags?” First, let me show you these little hooligans…. So it’s been a while and a lot has happened… We had to put our Border Collie (Isis the Terrorist) down in January 2021. Not a fun time to say the least.Continue reading “Double, No… Triple Dog Dare Ya!”
I haven’t been happy with my guitar tone for years now. I have an amazing Dr. Z amp. Of course I play a Groove Custom Tele (shameless plug for my brand). It was my overdriven tone I wasn’t happy with. I have tried new distortion and overdrive pedals, but they all just seem to endContinue reading “THE TIMMY”
Well, it’s come to this…
Here we are, or at least I am.. I have no time, too many projects going on at once, a full time job, running a business, playing in a band… I know, I will start a blog. Sigh. I have always been fascinated by other people’s DIY blogs. Their projects seem to be done inContinue reading “Well, it’s come to this…”