Private LORA sensors and server

Well, it’s been a hot minute and I have been busy busy busy… Where were we? I think the last time we spoke we left off with a functioning gate sensor. Right… Well, I gave it an UPGRADE! I started reading about LORA which stands for Long Range (Wireless communication). The thing that caught myContinue reading “Private LORA sensors and server”

Double, No… Triple Dog Dare Ya!

In the immortal words of Micky O’Neil from the movie Snatch, “Do you like Dags?” First, let me show you these little hooligans…. So it’s been a while and a lot has happened… We had to put our Border Collie (Isis the Terrorist) down in January 2021. Not a fun time to say the least.Continue reading “Double, No… Triple Dog Dare Ya!”

T5 light fixture mounts

(3D Printing) In my advancing age, vision is becoming more of a hinderance than a benefit. Working on seemingly microscopic electronic parts is a struggle and proper illumination is becoming a requirement. Don’t worry kids, you will get here someday and see what I mean. Recently, I bought these cheap LED T5 lights for myContinue reading “T5 light fixture mounts”

Raspberry Pi Pool Controller

It’s been a while since my last project. I have been working on something a bit more complicated this time. Here is the story… Once upon a time there were three nerdy friends. Two of these nerdy friends owned homes with pools and over the years accumulated a plethora of information about how they work,Continue reading “Raspberry Pi Pool Controller”