New 3D Printer and designing noise reducing feet

I have been wanting a new 3D printer for a couple of years now. My first delve into the world of 3d modeling and design was when I purchased the cheapest piece of junk printer on the market, the ANET A8. Straight from the hands of the Chinese. The initial warnings I read about the ANET said that the printer had a tendency to catch fire. So, what seemed like $10,000 in upgrades later and countless hours, I had it printing pretty dang good. The problem was, it was LOUD! So, time to upgrade to a new (cheap) printer.
After a fair bit of research, I decided on the Tevo Tarantula Pro. It had a larger build plate and the frame is constructed from extruded aluminum (I always say it AL-YOU-MIN-U- IUM like our friends across the pond). It also has rollers instead of linear bearings. Of course I did some upgrades as I was building it, duh!
It came completely disassembled which is exactly the way I like it. I planned on upgrading the motor drivers to the TMC2208 trinamic servo drivers for a couple reasons. One, they are super quiet and two the stock drivers only support 16 microsteps where the TMC2208’s support 256 microsteps. No brainer. I added a BLTouch inductive bed leveler which I have on my POS printer. Lastly, I added a MOSFET for the heated bed so that there is less chance of it catching on fire.
After getting everything assembled, I noticed that the feet that came with it were hard plastic. Being someone who is well a-tune to sonic harshness, I thought there had to be another way. I started thinking about how I could isolate the printer from the table it’s will be sitting on. Generally, the tables act as an amplifier for any vibrations coming from the printer. I came to the conclusion that a harder foam would probably be best to dampen the vibrations. First I looked for a deal on stress balls. People must be really stressed out because those things are pricy. What I ended up with were foam practice golf balls. for about $0.25 a piece.

On to Fusion 360 to design some stuff up. This is what I came up with… Note that I printed a couple versions to test and this was my 3rd version.

After installing the feet, the printer is darn near silent (except for the fans) I am pretty pleased with these feet and I will put them on the POS printer soon. I will link to my Thingiverse post if you would like the files to print some for yourself. They can be adapted to almost anything.
Here are some more pics of the feet installed.

Great idea! That’s actually genius. From one nerdo to another! Whoohoo